KRTC provides Mentorship and Bridging Clinic opportunities for Nurses, Nurse Practitioners and Physicians

Join our bridging clinic!

Are you a nurse, nurse practitioner or physician trained in medical aesthetics and looking to start your aesthetic career?

Joining a bridging clinic is a great way to develop injection proficiency and gain confidence in your skills without having to start your own practice first and major financial commitments.

We are proud to support your growth and development by ensuring that you are able to practice safely and with full support until you find your forever clinic.

Mentoring One on One

Consulting and Mentoring

Jeanine is the Director of 321 Launch Medical Aesthetic Business Consulting which offers full evidence based practice development.

We provide the opportunity for hands on mentoring and ongoing education for nurses, nurse practitioners and physicians who want to enhance their clinical practice.

Some of the areas that we provide assistance with includes;

One on one training, Business Development, Policy Manual, Medical Directives

We will see you through to proficiency!